Friday, October 17, 2008

Getting the itch

Today it really hit! After clearing yet another tree from my brother-in-laws property, my husband and I both awoke last night to severe itching on almost every part of our anatomy! All over my face, arms and neck. He got it worse! All over his face, front and back of his neck, arms and legs! His eyes are almost swollen shut with the amount of poison "whatever" it is that has decided to invade our household. Thankfully, our doctor friends at the hospital tell us it isn't contagious --- that would be all I need to pass it on to my two preschool children! We have now prescriptions and creams to relieve the itch and to dry up the rash.

Having this itch however, gave me reason to do some evaluation. (not that I never NEED a reason!). What is it that is in our hearts that gets our attention by constantly reminding us of it's existence and being persistent for attention? For me, it is the constant need to scratch the itch of writing. I want to write, to let my thoughts and feeling flow out of my mind onto the papers at be, however something always sooths that itch but never takes care of the initial passion. Until now. I have been nervous and even slightly rebellious to our Lord, by putting it off -- and ignoring the itch through excuses of time, talent and family. Now -- it has grown so large, and the Lord has given me the time, and family I need...and those who read this will also note if I have the talent or not! -- but none of that really matters to him. It just matters that I scratch the itch and try -- give it a good go, my best ---and that is all that it takes to honor and glorify Him who gave me this "affliction" as I, sadly, sometimes refer to it. I always feel blessed when I write, always feel loved and always feel relieved. Is something itching at your heart and soul? Find relief and just try! But beware, the more you scratch....the more it will itch!
Living in Him again today,

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