Wednesday, April 29, 2009

News spreads fast...#1

I am always amazed when a person has told me some tid-bit of news and that famous "EVERYONE thinks this is negative" comment comes up- usually in conjunction with a person who is not doing something to their liking. Who is everyone anyway, and since when does everyone mean just two or three people...and why do the 'tellers of news" want to keep their sources of information a secret to "protect their privacy"? That is just Bologna!

Fact: When information is dispensed...someone will always misunderstand it.
Fact: The misunderstood information ALWAYS spreads faster than the actual truth.


Why is it that we as a human race are more apt to spread negative information than positive? Why does it take extra effort to encourage rather than discourage?
Why do leaders seem to have to encourage others to encourage others?

Our mission as a relational people:
Love one another, as Christ loved you.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

If we are doing this...then encouragement should be passed faster than negative false gossip. Who wants to hang with those who complain about everything anyway? That is just no fun.

If you can't say anything nice... ah, you know the rest.


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